Strong Is The New Sexy: The many faces of self-love

” Once you learn how to love yourself, that is when you become the strongest! “

The word strong has a lot of meaning. It can be physically, mentally, emotionally, academically, it can be anything that one person can excel at. But the question is, how can you be strong? How to start? 

The Awakening

Most changes start when you finally realize that you no longer grow. Have you felt that feeling of being restless? You are not sad but you’re not happy either. As if there is something that you should do. Something that you need to change. A place that you should go to. A piece of you is missing but you can’t name what it is. Then you will ask yourself, ” Am I being selfish to want more than I already have? ” ” Does that make me ungrateful? ” 

Remember this: 

” You should do whatever you have to do to make yourself happy. Because, at the end of the day, it is your life to live. “

The process of growing, moving, and letting go may hurt other people in terms of relationships. But hey, it is better to go out of an unhealthy relationship while you still can, rather than staying and end up destroying what was left. I tell you, doubt, guilt, and anger may occur. But it’s up to you if you’re going to stay or move on.

Strong can also mean that you want to be fit. Once you finally realize that you no longer want to be unhealthy, that is your awakening that you must love yourself this time and start to get moving. Taking care of yourself physically is a way to show self-love. Being fit doesn’t have to have enormous muscle and lean abs. As long as you are healthy and you feel great about your body. Then you are already loving yourself.

So whether it is, moving on from your past relationship, taking chances to love again, changing career, starting to exercise, or moving to a new place beyond your comfort zone. Name it! Anything that can help you find your truest self. Do it! Go for it! Claim it! 

If your decision doesn’t work, try again. Try harder. Life is trial and error. There is no perfect formula. You just have to try. If you think it’s worth it or not, it’s up to you.

Always, the choice is yours. 

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