Why people are into Body CrazeWhy People Are Into Body CrazeWhy people are into Body Craze

I always knew I have a weird line on the top of my abdomen going down to my belly button. And one thing I noticed is that, it is more prominent whenever I lose some weight. I was never curious about what it is, or why is it there. But I know that my sister has it, and most of my cousins also have it. Actually, I never ask for answers until recently. 

There is too much body craze nowadays, there is a thigh gap, bikini bridge, hip bones, back dimples, and ab cracks. The ab crack is called the linea alba. It is a tendinous inscription between your ab muscles. This “ ab crack craze “  is pretty much determined by your genetics! Yup! That’s a fact! Though you can always train your abs and make them toned by working them hard. But the natural structure of your muscle will not change. So no matter how hard you exercise to gain an ab crack if your genes don’t have it, it will not show.

Many models like Bella Hadid and Emily Ratajkowski have been sporting ab cracks all over Instagram. That made many followers think that this is just a normal body goal that you can have if you work out. But what we should learn is, some are achievable and some need help from your genes. Hence, educating ourselves is very important for us to know what are realistic goals, and what are not. And that is exactly what I try to do.

The last time my husband and I  went to the gym was way back in 2015 before I get pregnant. Where we exercise with the help of our gym instructor and nutritionist. But we just follow what they told us without fully knowing what our goals are.

But this time is different. Since the lockdown last year, I started to work out again without the help of an instructor. I made some research on how to work out from home. And I know that this has been what most of us is doing since the pandemic. Now, my husband is joining me for the second time in my workout sessions and that leads us to find answers about our body physique. Since we want to know first our body goals before we continue our workout, we watched a lot of videos of coaches/ instructors, testimonies, and even read articles and blogs. And here folks are the things we found out!

We All Have Abs

Yes, that’s right! Everyone has abs whether we can see them or not, it’s there! Though AGAIN! genetics has a big role that makes the shape, length, thickness, and built of the muscle different for each person. Also, our genes can determine our body fat distribution. Meaning, some people have more prominent abs than others because the percentage of their body fat is lower. And those who cannot see their abs are because of the fats that are covering them. In other words, your body will store its fats depending on your genes. However, the number of fats in each person’s body will vary on many factors like diet, health condition, lifestyle, and heredity. 

Choose an achievable body goal that is best for your health

Who doesn’t want to have an oozing body? Believe me, I’ve been there! I wanted that! However, when you finally learn that we all have a different physiques. And achieving the body that you want will not just depend on what you imagined. You will start to realize that there are so many things you should consider to achieve your goal. For example, my husband what’s to lose weight but he has hypokalemia. Because of that, he needs to adjust his diet depending on what his body needs. Also, he can only do workouts that are not so extensive to avoid losing too much potassium in his system. While in my case, I always have a lower body fat percentage on my upper abdomen. I want to gain more muscle but don’t want to lose too much fat because I’m already happy with the amount of fat I have in my legs and arms. But here is the thing. Our waistline, butt, arms, and thighs are the common areas in which people usually store excess body fat.

Now, when we exercise, we lose fats in our whole body and not just in our targeted area. SPOT REDUCTION has been a practice that many people have tried doing but there is still not much evidence to support this. So I need to choose, lose more fat to show my muscles, or keep that fat because I don’t want to be so thin. 

In a nutshell, being healthy is the most important thing. If you have 8, 6, or 4 packs, or buff muscles in your arms, then good for you! If you don’t, that’s okay as long as you know you are healthy and you are happy with what you have. Truly, we can’t really have it all! In the end, we all have our own body goals, and we should learn how to respect each other. 

4 Ways To Earn Money Even When You Are A Full-Time Parent

Being a parent itself is already a handful of tasks to do, how much more if aside from being a parent 24/7 you also want to have a job where you can earn extra money? Some may find it hard to do because you can’t be focused on both things at the same time, and that is true. BUT! The thing is, you can be a full-time parent and earn at the same time, just like I do. You just need to know and be informed that there are other ways to earn money.

“ Taking care of your child and whole family 24/7 is the noblest thing a parent can do. But if you feel the need to do more, it’s always okay to try something especially if it will benefit your family and you.”

This pandemic season most parents just stay at home, and finding ways to earn money can sometimes be a challenge. I can truly relate to this! Many economies are going down and a lot of jobs are closing. But don’t fret! There are still other ways to get extra cash in the comfort of your abode. 

Be an online seller!

Yes! You heard it right! Nowadays, almost everyone has a shopping app on their mobile phone. This pandemic made people want to do most of their shopping online instead of going out. This makes sense because going out now is not as safe as before. That is why you need to take advantage of the demands! Look for anything that many people are looking for right now like, selling plants, take-away food, or trendy indoor clothes. You can try anything by just purchasing a few items, and just buy more once you already have some orders. 

Tip: Always invest some time to take a good picture of your product. Just think of the billboards of a cheesy pizza. What makes you want to buy it?  It’s just the same as selling other products. Make them look appealing, and your items are good to go!

Try freelancing

A freelancing job has a lot of pros. Aside from you can work at your own pace, you can also do it anywhere. Just like me, I’ve been in the freelancing industry for more than a new now, and I am enjoying my freedom to write articles and blogs while being cozy inside our house. I chose this job because I am a stay at home mom and I have to take care of my toddler while writing. Being a freelancer gives me the freedom to do my job at any given time of the day. As long as my toddler is not needy, I can do some research and write my articles using my phone or laptop. My client usually gives me three days deadline to submit my article and that is just enough timeline for me to write. How convenient is that? I earn dollars without any money involved. I just need patience in searching for information and data about my niche or topic and a lot of focus to be able to write my thoughts!


Here’s another trendy business that has been tried by many these past years. Re-branding can be applied to clothes, perfumes, beauty products like skincare, and make-up. What’s good about this is the low capital needed to start the business. For as low as 2,000-3,000 pesos, you can already start making your own brand!

Join The BPO Industry

Before I get myself into freelancing, I’m an Account Specialist first in a call center. I have handled an Australian account and  US accounts throughout my whole BPO career. Being in the call center industry is a fun yet stressful experience. I guess the hardest part of this job is going to work for a graveyard shift. But that is before! Because now, some call center companies offer Work From Home ( WFH ) set-up. This is very convenient for a stay at home parent like me. Let me set my situation as an example, I need to look after my toddler during the day because my husband’s work is on the graveyard shift. Therefore, my husband needs to sleep during the day and I am the only one who needs to take care of our 4 years old. However, some jobs can allow you to work while looking after your child. Like a chat support position, since you don’t need to take in calls, then you don’t have to worry about background noise. 

All that being said, being a full-time parent is good, but If you are looking for ways to contribute some extra cash, these types of jobs might be the one you’re looking for! Thing is, we all have our ways. So just do what you have to do to feel much free! 🙂

Strong Is The New Sexy: The many faces of self-love

” Once you learn how to love yourself, that is when you become the strongest! “

The word strong has a lot of meaning. It can be physically, mentally, emotionally, academically, it can be anything that one person can excel at. But the question is, how can you be strong? How to start? 

The Awakening

Most changes start when you finally realize that you no longer grow. Have you felt that feeling of being restless? You are not sad but you’re not happy either. As if there is something that you should do. Something that you need to change. A place that you should go to. A piece of you is missing but you can’t name what it is. Then you will ask yourself, ” Am I being selfish to want more than I already have? ” ” Does that make me ungrateful? ” 

Remember this: 

” You should do whatever you have to do to make yourself happy. Because, at the end of the day, it is your life to live. “

The process of growing, moving, and letting go may hurt other people in terms of relationships. But hey, it is better to go out of an unhealthy relationship while you still can, rather than staying and end up destroying what was left. I tell you, doubt, guilt, and anger may occur. But it’s up to you if you’re going to stay or move on.

Strong can also mean that you want to be fit. Once you finally realize that you no longer want to be unhealthy, that is your awakening that you must love yourself this time and start to get moving. Taking care of yourself physically is a way to show self-love. Being fit doesn’t have to have enormous muscle and lean abs. As long as you are healthy and you feel great about your body. Then you are already loving yourself.

So whether it is, moving on from your past relationship, taking chances to love again, changing career, starting to exercise, or moving to a new place beyond your comfort zone. Name it! Anything that can help you find your truest self. Do it! Go for it! Claim it! 

If your decision doesn’t work, try again. Try harder. Life is trial and error. There is no perfect formula. You just have to try. If you think it’s worth it or not, it’s up to you.

Always, the choice is yours. 

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